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ALLIANCE DIVINE : Cartes de sagesse biblique

Louise traductrice d’Evangile et liberté en anglais DIVINE COVENANT: Biblical Wisdom Cards, is now available! Chers amis, Dear friends, Je suis ravie d’annoncer la parution de mon jeu (entièrement bilingue, français-anglais) de cartes oracles bibliques avec livret d’accompagnement.  L’ensemble est ...

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Jean-François Blancheton Evangile et Liberté May, 2016 Translation Canon Tony Dickinson   “Get up and walk!” The breath of God has raised him:  Jesus, the Christ, stands there upright, in front of you. Freed from the chains of death.  His ...

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Albert Hari Evangilé et Liberté April, 2016 Translation Canon Tony Dickinson   The excluded, you know them Lord. You have met them and welcomed them on your journey: the unclean lepers, the despised prostitutes, Zacchaeus the tax collector, the bandits ...

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