Accueil / Traductions / English (rche 6)


The Beauties of Catholicism

by Maxime Michelet Translation Louise Thunin I willingly confess that I don’t mind attending Catholic Mass. I find it rather pleasant. Nonetheless I am not a great defender of the Roman Church. Its exclusively masculine clergy and its authoritarian organization ...

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So Light a Sweetness

Francine Carrillo Translation Louise Thunin If you try to catch me, your hands will remain empty If you think you can tame me, you’ll be discouraged I resemble nothing, I’m stitched backwards, I run away from parties and hardened words. ...

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Reformation Zwingli-style

Bernard Reymond Translation Canon Tony Dickinson Zwingli, two months younger than Luther, remains one of the less well-known known actors of the Reformation, especially in the French-speaking world. His writings are generally little quoted, often for lack of having been ...

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Have at hypocrisy!

the reforming thought and action of Zwingli Bernard Reymond Translation Canon Tony Dickinson To understand fully the thought and action of the reformers, we must remember the important place of Christianity, in all its aspects, in the individual and collective ...

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Zwingli, the courage to be

Pierre-Olivier Léchot Translation Canon Tony Dickinson I have to be honest: Swiss though I am, I have always preferred Luther to Zwingli. Luther’s theology has always been more eloquent for me than that of the Zurich pastor – closer to ...

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Tailored prayers

Bernard Reymond Translation Canon Tony Dickinson When I was translating Schleiermacher, I was pleasantly surprised by his concern, in his pages on prayer, to tailor properly the requests that we address to God. In essence he said that if we ...

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Zwingli: dare to be free

Zwingli: dare to be free Pierre-Olivier Léchot translation Canon Tony Dickinson On March 22, 1522, the Zurich Reformation began with a thunderclap: the printer Froschauer, who was close to Zwingli, gave his employees and three priests present that day sausage ...

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Adrian VI

Pierre-Olivier Léchot Translation Tony Dickinson Now what would he be doing in this mess? It is claimed that when he learned that he had been elected pope, in 1522, Adriaan Floriszoon gave a long sigh. Indeed nothing predestined this son ...

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