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Youth Creed

 We believe that God is present in our lives.

We believe that he gathers us and that he shows himself to us exactly where we do not expect and in what we did not foresee or predict.

We believe that he also shows himself to us where we did expect, but in unforeseen and unpredictable ways.

We believe that God does not let himself be shut up inside any institution or definition.

We believe that he raises us up and sets us free.

We believe that he gives us the strength to act and to change the world.

We believe that Jesus Christ comes to meet us on life’s road.

We believe that we walk in his presence.

We believe that he speaks to us and replies to us right at the heart of our lives.

We believe that the Spirit breathes his presence in the weaknesses and the beauty of our lives.

We believe that he guides us in the world which God has made for us, waiting for the coming of his Kingdom.

We believe that salvation is given to all, without distinction.

We believe that right at the heart of this beautiful and complex life, salvation comes as a promise.

We believe that this good news gives to every human being an ineradicable dignity and the courage to live their lives from the first breath to the last.



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