Évangile et Liberté February 2015 Translation Canon Tony Dickinson We give you thanks, Lord, we say thank you For all that is said, all that is done, but which is not seen. Thank you for the little ...
Lire la suite...I would like, O my God, a Christmas without a mirage
Évangile et Liberté December 2014 Translation Canon Tony Dickinson I would like, O my God, a Christmas without a mirage, without useless lights, without tinsel, without a wreath a Christmas without a tree ...
Lire la suite...Eternal One
Évangile et Liberté November 2014 Translation Canon Tony Dickinson Eternal One, They tell us that you speak to us, But I have never heard your voice With my own ears. The only voices which I hear Are fraternal voices ...
Lire la suite...A man came to our house
Évangile et Liberté October 2014 A man came to our house, like you, my brother. He visited a corner of our earth. He was a peaceful working man, humble and gentle. ...
Lire la suite...The Samaritan woman was nobody’s fool
Louis Pernot Translation Sara MacVane In the dialogue between Jesus and the Samaritan woman, it is often said that Jesus’ words are symbolic. When he says that he can give us water, we don’t take this literally to mean that ...
Lire la suite...No creyente
Henri Persoz Traducción Julian Mellado Me molestan mucho aquellos que dividen el mundo entre creyentes y no creyentes. Sobre todo porque no sé en qué lugar debo colocarme. Soy creyente con los creyentes y no creyente con los no creyentes. ...
Lire la suite...The Resurrection, done differently or the Resurrection in Process theology
Jean-Marie de Bourqueney Translation Sara MacVane The history of Christian theology, or better yet Christian theologies, has often been characterized by the question of Christ’s divinity. Notably this was the fierce 4th century ‘battle’ at the Council of Nicaea. ...
Lire la suite...Editorial
Raphaël Picon Translation Louise Thunin Our gardens of eden are gone, and with them, our quiet sense of security, the permanence of a state of grace, with its irrefrangible links to others, to the universe and to God. ...
Lire la suite...Allo spuntare del giorno
Di Jacques Gradt Traduzione di Giacomo Tessaro Allo spuntare del giorno eccoti di nuovo in piedi. Il sudario, le bende li lasci lì. Tu agiti la mia notte, il mio sonno. Mi fai uscire dal mio ...
Lire la suite...Benediciamo
Di James Woody La Chiesa Protestante Unita di Francia ha dato il via a una riflessione sulla benedizione. James Woody precisa il senso profondo di questo termine “benedizione”, così usato e così spesso mal compreso. Traduzione di Giacomo Tessaro ...
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