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Archives de cet auteur: Gilles

a été pasteur à Amsterdam et en Région parisienne. Il s’est toujours intéressé à la présence de l’Évangile aux marges de l’Église. Il anime depuis 17 ans le site Internet Protestants dans la ville.

La puerta estrecha

Dominique Hernandez Traducción Julian Mellado Mateo 7,13-14 Al final del sermón del monte, las imágenes dobles se suceden: dos puertas, dos caminos, dos árboles, y llegando al final del discurso, dos casas. Se trata por lo tanto de reconocer y ...

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I want to shout

Jean Dumas Translation Canon Tony Dickinson   As a pastor at the end of a long life, I want to shout out my anger. We are trapped in a dark cul-de-sac, and I want to shout. My Church behaves as ...

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Jean-Marie de Bourqueney Translation Canon Tony Dickinson   There are some words which resonate. Tragically. Whenever I hear « holocaust », I see again the images of those millions of massacred Jews. It is impossible to escape these images which are the ...

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Raphaël Picon und Jean-Marie de Bourqueney   Übersetzung Gaspar Jean   Einzahl, Mehrzahl . Alle menschlichen Sprachen unterscheiden beide. Die Summe von Einzahlen ergibt eine Mehrzahl. Unsere Einzigartigkeiten schaffen die Vielfalt. All denen gegenüber, die in der Mehrzahl nur das ...

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Ich möchte schreien

 Jean Dumas Übersetzung Jean Gaspar  Pfarrer und am Ende eines langen Lebens. Will ich vor Zorn schreien. Wir befinden uns in einer dunklen Sackgasse und ich will schreien.Meine Kirche benimmt sich wie eine Blinde, nur mit sich selbst beschäftgt. Sie ...

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The birth of Jesus

Louis Pernot Translation Canon Tony Dickinson   The accounts of the birth of Jesus which are found in Matthew and Luke were written a long time after his crucifixion. These symbolic accounts are confessions of faith. In re-reading the account ...

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The Necessity of Speaking

Farid el Asri Translation Canon Tony Dickinson Horror and firm condemnation of a hateful act, that is the immediate reaction and the bitter feeling of the moment. A profound thought for the victims and their families. However, it was an ...

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A Child

Paul Grostefan Translation Canon Tony Dickinson  In the midst of a great many trials, Some people have known how to hold on to hope. A certainty within them, Or rather a promise, the promise “God will come and everything will ...

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Editoriale dicembre 2015

Di Jean-Marie de Bourqueney Jean-Marie de Bourqueney è pastore della Chiesa Protestante Unita a Parigi-Batignolles. Partecipa alla redazione e alla direzione di Évangile et Liberté. Si interessa soprattutto di dialogo interreligioso e teologia del processo. Tratto da Évangile et Liberté ...

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