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Archives de cet auteur: Gilles

a été pasteur à Amsterdam et en Région parisienne. Il s’est toujours intéressé à la présence de l’Évangile aux marges de l’Église. Il anime depuis 17 ans le site Internet Protestants dans la ville.

La Croce è il cuore della fede cristiana?

Di Élian Cuvillier* Traduzione di Giacomo Tessaro * Élian Cuvillier insegna teologia pratica all’Istituto Protestante di Teologia (facoltà di Montpellier), dove in precedenza insegnava Nuovo Testamento. I passi biblici sono tratti dalla versione Nuova Riveduta. Bisogna forse farla finita con ...

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Quando nulla è permesso, cosa è utile?

Di Benjamin Limonet* Traduzione di Giacomo Tessaro Il passo biblico è tratto dalla versione Nuova Riveduta. * Benjamin Limonet studia all’Istituto Protestante di Teologia (facoltà di Parigi). Dopo essersi laureato in storia ha lavorato per l’amministrazione pubblica, al servizio delle ...

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What are we saved from (for) ?

By Pierre-Olivier Léchot Translation Louise Thunin There is a critique often addressed to liberal theology. Far from offering to the believer a future after death (salvation), it wallows in a sort of mortal present moment. The answer has often consisted ...

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Midwives Make Miracles

By Abigail Bissac Translation Louise Thunin The theologians (that we are called upon to be) may think theologically about all and any subject concerning human beings. Do we think enough about miracles ? Not those the Bible tells us (they’ve ...

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By Michel Bouttier Translation Louise Thunin Grant me, Lord , today, new skies and a new Earth. Grant me the marveling of a child who opens his eyes on this world for the first time, The joy of the child ...

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The Grace of an Ecumenical Prayer

By Fadiey Lovsky Translation Louise Thunin Lord, make us reconcilers, True peace-makers, And consoling pacifiers. Uproot church pride from our hearts, By strengthening our fidelity to the Church. Don’t let us resign ourselves to tension and separation . Lord, doesn’t ...

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